YHHA are now registered to provide domiciliary care , please feel free to contact us for more information, guidance or support.
Recruiment Event
YHHA are having a recruitment event on the 28th June 2017 at the Leeds Media Centre, between 10.30am and 2.30pm
please call in for a chat, and complete an application form.
Coming Soon – New Domiciliary Venture
YHHA are currently applying for registration with CQC to commence their new venture – Domiciliary Care, to find out more information, please contact Collin on 0113 262 1866 or email collin@yhha.co.uk
Contracts available in East Lancashire
We would like to invite people to apply, roles ranging from: Health Care Assistants and Nurses.
Please contact Diane for an application form.
Call Now: 0113 262 1866
YHHA New Contracts Coming Soon
We would like to invite people to apply, roles ranging from: Health Care Assistants and Nurses.
Please contact Diane for an application form.
Call Now: 0113 262 1866
New Website Officially Launched
The Website Officially Launched today (22/02/2017), for our candidates we have an easy to fill apply form where you can upload your CV to us and for our clients, there’s information on our aims and plans going forward to help you and our candidates.